
ProgramsOnline Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Drive innovation and develop an entrepreneurial mindset

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Discover new business opportunities and lead innovation with an online master’s degree from HEC Paris, one of Europe’s highest-ranked business schools. This program will enable you to identify and develop innovative and high-potential commercial opportunities, and is particularly relevant for current and aspiring business leaders who aim to lead business development, drive product innovation, or launch new business ventures.

The Online Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is designed for professionals in charge of, or interested in, product innovation and business development. Entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs (professionals who want to lead entrepreneurial projects within existing organizations) will also find the program extremely relevant.

Learning Outcomes

  • Over 37 lectures and 55.5 hours of content!
  • Over 37 lectures and 55.5 hours of content!
  • Over 37 lectures and 55.5 hours of content!
  • Over 37 lectures and 55.5 hours of content!

Want to learn more before applying?

After answering a few short questions, we’ll be able to help you find out if you’re qualified to apply and give you more informationabout the degree program.

Master of Computer Science


    To earn your MCS, you will choose 10 courses out of 20 course options in order to develop expertise on emerging in-demand technologies. Choose from areas of focus such as AI, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Cybersecurity. You’ll also create a project portfolio that you’ll use to showcase your experience to prospective employers. Secure form. By submitting, I agree that Coursera will share the above information.

    What You Will Learn...

    Business Administration
    35 week to complete
    Business Administration
    35 week to complete


    The Degree Experience Is...

    100% ONLINE

    The same courses you’ll find on campus, with the flexibility to learn when and where you want

    100% ONLINE

    The same courses you’ll find on campus, with the flexibility to learn when and where you want

    100% ONLINE

    The same courses you’ll find on campus, with the flexibility to learn when and where you want

    100% ONLINE

    The same courses you’ll find on campus, with the flexibility to learn when and where you want

    About Eduma School University

    ASU’s Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering believes that engineering is more than a discipline — it’s a mindset, a way of looking at the world. Students in the Fulton Schools of Engineering are part of a community of problem solvers, people who are passionate about designing and making innovative and entrepreneurial solutions. Our community has grown to over 21,000 students from all 50 states and Puerto Rico and 135 countries



    Top 10




    Ready to start your application?

    The next cohort starts on August 16, 2018

    Early admission deadline:

    April 15, 2018. When you apply, we’ll make a decision within 2-4 weeks. Once you’re accepted, you can start open courses right away!

    Early admission deadline:

    April 15, 2018. When you apply, we’ll make a decision within 2-4 weeks. Once you’re accepted, you can start open courses right away!

    Ready to start your application?

    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.
    What is the degree earned of the program?
    Students who complete the program will earn a Master of Computer Science degree - the exact same Master of Computer Science degree.

    Junsong Zhang

    · UBC Master of Education & Master Digital Media双硕士
    · KPU大学课程设计经理
    · 曾就职于ICBC – 加拿大BC省汽车保险公司
    · 擅长辅导学生Writing Sample和Research Proposal

    Bonnie Zhang

    · UBC经济哲学双学位本科,UCL Construction Economics and Management硕士
    · CFA二级Candidate,完成SCI(Canadian Security Course)
    · 先后在中国银行,RBC工作,曾帮助数百名学生取得心仪学校的Offer

    Olivia Qian

    · UBC 经济本科,UBC Food and Resource Economics硕士
    · 曾获取英国伦敦政经学院经济硕士,爱丁堡大学Financial Economics 硕士Offer
    · 擅长课程规划,奖学金申请,能够深度挖掘学生的自身优势,从而在文书中很好地展现学生软实力

    Kang Xi

    · UBC 经济硕士,目前PhD就读于世界排名前10,MBA第1的Insead
    · 主要研究Business Strategy
    · 对于经济本科转商科硕士有丰富的经验,曾经帮助数百名本科经济的同学申请到顶级商科的研究生

    Chloe He

    · 美国哥伦比亚大学Data Science硕士
    · 有着丰富的数据分析工作经验,曾先后就职于Lenovo, Public Health Solution, SUNY ATTAIN Lab, Carbon Credit Capital, S&P Capital IQ, New York City transit, International House, Deloitte, Discovery Inc.
    · 多家公司的工作经历可以给学生们提供非常实用的建议,帮助想在大数据方面发展的学生们选择合适的研究生项目

    Bin Zhao

    · UBC Statistics硕士(该项目录取率5%)
    · 曾收获多伦多大学,滑铁卢大学等多个加拿大最难申请的统计项目Offer
    · 加拿大疾控中心 Statistician
    · 对UBC以及加拿大本科课程有深入全面的研究,对各个专业申请所需核心课程和难度的理解,无人能及
    · 所做课程规划,千金难求:既能保证成绩,又可以保证课程质量

    Irene Ding

    · UBC Mathematics本科,UBC Statistics硕士(该项目录取率5%)
    · 曾收获多伦多大学,滑铁卢大学等多个加拿大最难申请的统计项目Offer
    · UBC Medical School Statistician
    · 对UBC以及加拿大本科课程有深入全面的研究,对各个专业申请所需核心课程和难度的理解,无人能及
    · 所做课程规划,千金难求:既能保证成绩,又可以保证课程质量
    · 帮助累计50名学生拿到近200份研究生Offer

    Zihan Zhao

    · 美国哥伦比亚大学Operational Research硕士,圣路易斯华盛顿大学商学院Operational Research博士
    · 曾获欧洲最著名的商学院之一巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris) International Finance的Offer
    · 丰富的申请与学习经验可以帮助学生选择合适的研究生项目,提高申请成功率
    · 擅长将硕士申请与学生职业发展目标相结合,提升文书说服力

    Olivia Liu

    · UBC Nutritional Sciences本科,UBC Operational Research硕士
    · 曾任Green Town Nutrition销售经理一职
    · 现任SAP Digital Customer Engagement Executive
    · 在研究生转专业申请上有着丰富的经验

    Sunny Wong

    · UBC Mathematics本科,UBC Operational Research硕士
    · 毕业后,先后在Amazon, Boeing, Work Safe BC, Provincial Health Services Authority从事数据分析相关工作

    Cynthia Li

    · 美国伊利诺伊香槟大学Statistics硕士,UBC Finance硕士
    · SFU Accounting博士、大三会计课程在职讲师
    · 在学术界有深入Connection,对各个学校的偏好有独到的见解
    · 曾帮助多名本科生直接申请到博士项目

    Kyle Xu

    · UBC Sauder商管硕士,曾任Foodora加拿大市场经理, 持牌移民顾问
    · 曾获得美国NYU, USC, John Hopkins, Duke, Virginia, UIUC等顶尖商学院校商管和Marketing专业硕士offer。
    · 曾于台湾任职英语教师,出版两本教材。
    · 擅长引导本科生讨论自身经历及补强个人故事,转专业申请研究生。

    George Fu

    · 美国哥伦比亚大学Operational Research硕士
    · 曾拿到美国芝加哥大学Mathematical Finance 的Offer
    · 世界上最大的投资银行及金融机构之一的花旗集团助理副总裁
    · 有着丰富的投行工作经验,曾为无数学生推出使人耳目一新的学业规划书和职业规划书

    William Liu

    . UBC Sauder Finance 本科,美国金融排名第一的麻省理工大学(MIT)金融硕士
    · 曾获得多伦多大学金融数学Offer
    · 拥有丰富的加拿大本地工作背景,尤其擅长面试辅导和与招生官沟通,帮助学生短时间内提高软实力,给学校留下深刻印象